Must Know


  • Arrive on time for the program to ensure you don't miss any valuable sessions or activities.
  • Actively participate in workshops, seminars, and discussions to maximize your learning experience.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification on any financial or tax-related topics you're unsure about.
  • Engage with fellow attendees and speakers to exchange ideas and insights.
  • Take notes during sessions to retain important information for future reference.
  • Follow any instructions or guidelines provided by event organizers to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
  • Provide feedback at the end of the program to help organizers improve future events.
  • Network with professionals and experts present at the event to expand your professional connections and opportunities.


  • Arrive late or leave early, as it disrupts the flow of the program and may cause distractions.
  • Use electronic devices such as phones or tablets during sessions, as it can be disrespectful to speakers and distracting to others.
  • Hesitate to ask questions or participate in discussions due to fear of appearing uninformed. Everyone is there to learn and share knowledge.
  • Engage in disruptive behavior or side conversations during sessions, as it can disrupt the learning environment for others.
  • Monopolize the conversation or dominate discussions, but instead, ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
  • Be afraid to challenge ideas or perspectives presented during sessions, but do so respectfully and constructively.
  • Ignore networking opportunities, as they can lead to valuable connections and collaborations in the future.